Hashicorp Vault as certificate authority with Ansible

ansible homelab networking vault

In this article we are going to build our own certificate authority using Hashicorp Vault PKI secret engine.


  • Ansible
  • A host to install Vault

Here, we will install Vault in Docker. To do it in this way, Docker and the Python library for Docker must be installed as well.

Install Vault

In this example, we are going to use the filesystem backend storage (here are other storage backends). Create the config file (files/config.json) to setup the storage backend:

  "ui": true,
  "storage": {
    "file": {
      "path": "/vault/file"

Install Vault in Docker:

- name: create data directory
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 0777
    - vault_data/config
    - vault_data/file
  become: yes

- name: copy config
    src: files/config.json
    dest: vault_data/config/

- name: run vault
    name: vault
    state: started
    image: vault
    restart_policy: unless-stopped
      - IPC_LOCK
      - "8200:8200"
      - "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/vault_data/config:/vault/config"
      - "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/vault_data/file:/vault/file"

Now we can set the environment variables VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN to our session. VAUL_ADDR will be the host IP at port 8200 (say, We can find the Vault root token in the Docker logs for the container. This is not recommended for production environments, but for this example, we can set that token as our VAULT_TOKEN. More information about Vault tokens here.

Create Vault policy

For this and the following sections, we are going to use the Ansible collection (mmas.hashi_vault)[https://github.com/mmas/hashi_vault-ansible-collection] that I created. You can install the collection using Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy collection install git+https://github.com/mmas/hashi_vault-ansible-collection.git

Define the required capabilities (files/policy.hcl):

# Enable secrets engine
path "sys/mounts/*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]

# List enabled secrets engine
path "sys/mounts" {
  capabilities = [ "read", "list" ]

# Work with pki secrets engine
path "pki*" {
  capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo" ]

Create the policy certificate-authority:

- name: create policy
    name: certificate-authority
    policy: files/policy.hcl

Generate root CA

We will generate the root CA using the PKI backend mounted at /pki. To do this, let’s enable the backend at the default moutn point and give a long default and maximum lease TTL, say 20 years:

- name: enable pki engine and config to issue certs with 20y ttl
    backend_type: pki
      default_lease_ttl: 175200h
      max_lease_ttl: 175200h

Generate the root self-signed CA with subject CN “Vault Root”:

- name: generate root certificate
    common_name: Vault Root

Note that these modules are idempotent, so running mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_root multiple times with the same common name won’t generate new certificates unless the issuer is revoked.

Configure the CA and CRL URLs:

- name: configure ca urls
    issuing_certificates: [ "{{ lookup('env', 'VAULT_ADDR') }}/v1/pki/ca" ]
    crl_distribution_points: [ "{{ lookup('env', 'VAULT_ADDR') }}/v1/pki/crl" ]

Generate intermediate CA

In a similar way, mount another PKI secrets engine at /pki_int, set the default and maximum lease TTL to a shorter period (5 years), and gnereate the Intermediate CA “Vault Intermediate”

- name: enable pki engine at pki_int and config to issue certs with 5y ttl
    backend_type: pki
    mount_point: pki_int
      default_lease_ttl: 43800h
      max_lease_ttl: 43800h

- name: generate and sign intermediate certificate
    mount_point: pki_int
    common_name: Vault Intermediate
    format: pem_bundle

The module mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_intermediate generates an intermediate certificated with the specified common name if not existing, signs it with the root CA, and imports the certificate.

Issue certificate

We’ll need PKI roles to issue certificates. Create a role from the PKi at /pki_int for our domain homelab.local, allowing subdomains, valid for a year:

- name: create pk_int role
    mount_point: pki_int
    name: homelab.local
    allowed_domains: [ homelab.local ]
    allow_subdomains: yes
    max_ttl: 8760h

Again, mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_role module won’t create a new role if a role with the given name already exists.

Issue a certficate for our domain homelab.local:

- mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_certificate:
    mount_point: pki_int
    role_name: homelab.local
    common_name: "*.homelab.local"
    ttl: 8760h
  register: output

In this case, mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_certificate won’t issue a new certificate if a non-revoked one with that common name already exists, however, we can generate a new one with state: created (and get the certificate and private key) or revoke all the certificates for that common name with state: revoked. If we don’t save the private key once the certificate is issued, we can issue a new one and save the new private key.

Using the certificates

We registered a variable from the last task output, so we can use that to get the private key:

- name: save private key to /tmp/
    dest: /tmp/homelab.local.pem
    content: "{{ output.certificate.private_key }}"

And to get the fullchain certificate:

- name: save certificate to /tmp/
    dest: /tmp/homelab.local.crt
    content: "{{ output.certificate.certificate }}\n{{ output.certificate.ca_chain|join('\n') }}"

We can use those in NGINX (ssl_certificate_key and ssl_certificate) or Apache (SSLCertificateKeyFile and SSLCertificateFile).

The browsers won’t accept self-signed certificates, so we need to import our root CA or CA chain. We can use the CA chain from output.certificate.ca_chain or the root CA from output.certificate.ca_chain[1].

We can also get the root, intermediate and server certificates using the following lookup:

"{{ lookup('mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_root', 'Vault Root').certificate }}"
"{{ lookup('mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_intermediate', 'Vault Intermediate').certificate }}"
"{{ lookup('mmas.hashi_vault.vault_pki_certificate', '*.homelab.local').certificate }}"

To install the root/chain certificate in Firefox, Settings > Preferences > Privacy and Security > Certificates > View Certificates > Authorities > Import, and tick Identify Websites.